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实用的英文感谢信6篇 简短的英文感谢信

分类:实用文档发表于 2023-07-23 12:21阅读数:0

在平时的工作学习中,我们总少不了进行实用文档写作的机会,想写好实用文档类型的文章,不妨来参考一下本文。好范文为大家带来了《实用的英文感谢信6篇 简短的英文感谢信》,希望对你的范文写作有所帮助。

下面是好范文小编整理的实用的英文感谢信6篇 简短的英文感谢信,供大家阅读。


Dea ms。 gasso:

thank you fo inteviewing me at cedit technologies。 i was impessed with the pany and the type of banking sevices the copoation povides。

you ments gave me a good undestanding of the business and you expectations fo the attoney you ae seeking。 i am confident that my backgound and expeience in banking law and my ability to analyze statutes and egulations in detail could be useful to cedit technologies。

if you wee to offe me this position, i believe that i could povide sevices that would meet the high standads of you copoation。

i look fowad to talking again with you soon。

vey tuly yous,

ichad t。 hamilton



1、Please accept my profound appreciation for .I wish to express my sincere appreciation for ....I am most (sincerely / truly)grateful to you for ....

2、At the outset, I want to thank you for your kindness to me and for your compliments.

3、 It is a hopeless (definite/ positive) understatement to say that I am deeply (sincerely/ truly) grateful.这就是说“。

4、It is generous of you to show me so much consideration(to take so much interest in my work/ to give me so much of your time).

5、I regret very much that I did not have an opportunity to thank you personally for ... As soon as I opened your package, I felt that I must sit right down and tell you ... Expected gifts are a pleasure to receive, but unexpected remembrances are even greater joy.10) You couldn't have given me anything that I wanted(would enjoy)more.

6、This is to thank you again for your wonderful hospitality and to tell you how much I enjoyed seeing you once more.I don’t know when I have had such a delightful

7、(pleasant/memorable/ enjoyable) weekend as the one …13) Thank you for one of the most enjoyable visits we have had in many months.

8、 Thank you for contributing so much to the pleasure of our stay inSydney.

9、Your note of congratulations is deeply appreciated (gives me a greatdeal of pleasure).

10、Many thanks for remembering our anniversary (my birthday) and for your very flattering remarks.17) There is nothing more gratifying to me than your encouraging words.

11、We deeply appreciate your good wishes and congratulation.Your lovely Christmas card was most welcome.


1、Thank you very much (very, very much; ever so much; most

2、sincerely; indeed; from the bottom of my heart).Many thanks for your kind and warm letter.感3. Thanks a million (ever so much).

3、Please accept ( I wish to express) my sincere (grateful; profound)

4、appreciation for …I sincerely (deeply; warmly) appreciate …I am sincerely (most; truly) grateful to you for …There is nothing more important (satisfying; gratifying) to me that

5、to receive one of your letters.Your letters are so much fun (comfort; entertainment; company).

Your most courteous (considerate; delightful) letter…10.I cannot tell you how much your letter delighted (relieved; amused enchanted me.

6、I love the way you say (put) in your letters. You make even the smallest incident seem so interesting (important; charming; mysterious).It is good (fine; charming; thoughtful; more than kind) of you …13.At the outset, I want to thank you for your kindness to me and for your compliments.

7、We were deeply touched by … It is a hopeless (definite; positive) understatement to say that I am deeply (sincerely; truly) grateful.16.It is generous of you to take so much interest in my work (to give me so much of your time; to show me so much consideration).

8、We are indebted to you …18.Thank you without end …

9、I regret very much that I did not have an opportunity to thank you

10、personally for …b-1谢帮助(Thanking a friend for help regards


1、Give the family my best regards.祝您全家幸福

2、with best regards谨致问候


I appreciate very much your …

2. I realize that the task took a great deal of your precious time.

3. Thank you for doing me a real favor.

4. Your generous spirit of cooperation ……

5. Your offer of assistance …

6、You may be sure that I appreciate …


Thank You Fo Inteview II

Dea (Bosss Name),

Thank you so much fo seeing me yesteday。 The inteview confimed what othes have told me - that (Company Name) would be a teific place fo someone with my skills and inteests。

I am convinced that I could make an impact and add value as a (job title) in you depatment。 As we eviewed my backgound, I hope that you came to a simila conclusion。 It was indeed a pleasue to discuss the oppotunities with you。 I thank you again fo the oppotunity and look fowad to ou next inteaction。

Again, you can each me (when) (Call time) at (telephone), o you may leave a message on my answeing machine, and I will etun you call pomptly。





Considering my poor English foundation and weak communication skills, I had never thought that I could finish this project! I had always struggled in writing a proper report even in 500 words before I had a tutor like Mr. Minggui Qu. But now I can finish a project and I can't believe this could be true!

Mr. Qu, my tutor, words could never express my thanks to him. From grammar, writing style, format and research skills to marketing theories, he has taught me everything and he has been always so patient to me whenever he revises my reports including my massive grammar mistakes. He has been encouraging me all the time. Though my report still contains lots of problem, I have already learned a lot from this project just because of his help. I am really grateful to him.

Meanwhile, I would like to express my gratitude towards my parents and staff member of Yong Fei Machinery company for their kind co-operation and encouragement which help me in completion of this project. I would like to express my special gratitude and thanks to industry workers for giving me such attention and time. My thanks and appreciations also go to my class teacher Mr Hong for looking after me in many ways and people who have willingly helped me out with their abilities.


Thanks to my tutor professor XXX, he wrote to a doctor of letters) are careful meticulous, conscientious and meticulous style has always been my work and study of the model; They described the teach and outside-the-box thinking gives me endless inspiration.

Thank my small white teacher, this paper details and each data of each experiment, cannot leave your careful guidance. And you, cheerful personality and tolerant attitude, help me to quickly into our new laboratory

Thank my roommates, from distant home came to this strange city, is you and I jointly maintain the brotherly feelings between each other, sustained by the family harmonious dormitory. For four years, as if just yesterday. University graduation thesis thank-you note thank-you notes. Four years, we have no red face, no oral fight, not happen ago college to worry about any unhappy things. Only in the future we rarely get together for a year again yuan hajek said meal, it doesn't matter, go their own way, you take good care. I wish to U.S. C in peace, left-behind fudan D, E&F happy, diversionary measure G the smooth, also want to leave our bedroom H&I open happy heart. The time we share together, I'll remember for a lifetime.

Thanks to my mom and dad, how much breakwater grass, tree back, gratefulness, repay you, you always healthy and happy is my biggest wish.

In the paper the completed, my heart can't calm, from began to enter the subject thesis is completed, how many respectable teachers, students, friends gave me speechless help, here please accept my sincere thanks!



人们在交往中常需要相互致谢,收到别人赠送的礼物,得到别人的帮助、受到别人的慰问,都应该表示感谢。感谢信是人们常用的一种感谢方式。感谢信最主要的特点是真诚。缺乏真挚的感情答谢他人,收信人将对你的谢意产生怀疑,感谢的目的也就失去了。因此,写感谢信首先得真心诚意。感谢信另一个特点是具体。写感谢信切忌泛泛而谈,而应着重于具体的感谢事由。 其次一个特点是及时。收到别人礼物、得到别人帮助,应及时写信予以答谢。否则,人家会对你的'谢意大打折扣。收到他人赠送的礼物应当及时写封感谢信,感谢信除了应写得真诚、具体、及时外,还应当特别提及所收礼物的具体内容,否则,泛泛而谈,使人觉得你不够真诚。为此,当你写感谢信时,应这样写:“thank you for your beautiful roses.”(谢谢您送的美丽的玫瑰花。);而不要笼统地写上“thank you for your beautiful gift.”(谢谢您送给我的漂亮礼物。),这样,使人觉得你既礼貌,又诚心,从而真正达到交往的目的。下面我们来看看具体的范例。


dear laura,

i was trulyeaptured beyond expression to receive your flowers which turned our living roominto a garden. how considerate and wonderful of you to remember my birthday. you justcouldnt have selected anything i had have liked more! you have a positive genius forselecting the right gift!the four years ispent with you at the college have been the pleasantest period in my life. i will cherish this memory forever. how nice it would beto see you again.you have beenmore than kind, and i wont ever forget it. my love and deepest gratitude, now andalways!

sincerely yours,



dear dan andlaura,

jim and i want tothank you for the beautiful salad bowl set. we are looking forward to getting lotsof use out of your thoughtful and practical wedding gift.thanks again forthe lovely gift.




dear mrs. gorden,

id like you toknow how much the week at your lovely house meant to me. i not only enjoyed myselfimmensely, but also i felt relaxed and refreshed as i havent felt for months.please give mylove to helen. it was so nice being with her again just like our old days togetherat school.many thanks toyou and mr. gordon for asking me.

sincerely yours,

jean brown




①i am nowwriting to express my sincere thanks for____ . ②id like you to know how much your_____ meant to me. ③you have a positive genius for ______. ④i not only enjoyed_____ but also___. ⑤i shall ever remember _____ as one of the most _____ in my life. ⑥i _____. ⑦i hope to have the opportunity of reciprocating. ⑧ would you kindly letme know _____.⑨i will feel very honored and pleased if you have time to _____. ⑩how nice it would be to see you again and i am looking forwards to seeing you nexttime!i repeat mythanks again for your_____. please give my kind regards to your_____ .

yours truly,







④ 对方的情意对自己的影响



⑦ 询问对方是否有时间

⑧ 表达自己回报的心情

⑨ 提出希望下次见面的愿望


标签: 感谢信