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分类:实用文档发表于 2024-09-08 16:40阅读数:0




Dear Bob,

I have just returned home and thanks for your kind help during my stay in Canada. Unfortunately, when I opened my luggage, I found the music CD that I forgot to return to you. I am really sorry for this.I would like to pay for it so you can buy another copy at your local store. If you want to keep exactly the same one, I can mail the CD to you as soon as possible. Again I apologize for the inconvenience I have se accept my sincere apology and reply to me at your earliest convenience and advise me of your wishes.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Ming


Dear Sir,

I am writing to apologize for the bad performance of the washing machine you bought from our department store. I do hope(希望的`语气可以稍微强烈一点) you can accept my sincere apologies.

In fact, the mistake is due to our ignorance(万能开头,啥错误不是失误呀). The manufacturer of the washing machine has cooperated(完成时要注意。) with us for ten years, and never made(过去没有犯过错误,现在有了) a mistake like this, then we did not double check the product.(自己还是有责任的) I want you to know that your trust is very important to us, so we will send(解决方案是将来时) an employee to take the machine back and give you a full refund.

Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused by it, and hope you can accept the apologies.(再次道歉)

  Yours Sincerely,




I am writing this letter to express my apology that xxx.

I feel terribly sorry about this.

Once again, I am very sorry for any inconvenience caused. I will be really appreciated if you can accept my apologies and understand my situation.

  Yours Sincerely,


标签: 道歉信