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9A Module 1 Wonders of the world

Unit 1 It’s more that 2,000 years old


Listening and speaking

By the end of this class, students will be able to:

    learn about wonders of the world like the Giant’s Causeway, the Terracotta Army, the Three Gorges Dam and Victoria Falls.

    describe a wonder of the world with facts and express one’s preference by making comparisons.

    understand the conversation about natural wonders and man-made wonders involving different tenses.

    master some key words and useful expressions: man-made, natural, wonder, discussion, eastern, loud, opinion, produce electricity etc.


    learning about wonders of the world like the Giant’s Causeway, the Terracotta Army, the Three Gorges Dam and Victoria Falls.

    describing a wonder of the world with facts and express one’s preference by making comparisons.

Task-based method,communicative approach

PPT Muli-media

Unit 1 It’s more than 2,000 years old.







I think = in my opinion ...

I’m not sure ...

I agree with you.

fantastic more fantastic the most fantastic

教 学 过 程


备 注

Step 1:Lead in

Play a guessing game: Show some information of a wonder. Let students guess which place it is.

Step 2:Pre-listening

1.Presentation and new words

Show the pictures of the Great Wall and the Pyramids of Egypt and talk about it and learn the new words: man-made, natural, modern.

2.Look and say

Show the pictures of four wonders: the Giant’s Causeway, the Terracotta Army, the Three Gorges Dam and Victoria Falls. Students talk about what they are like by using the sentence “In my opinion, ...”

Step 3:While-listening

1.Listen and choose the correct descriptions of the four wonders.

2.Listen to the conversation and find about which wonders do Tony, Lingling, Betty and Daming like most.

3.Listen and find out what do they know about the wonders. And complete the table.

4.Listen and find out what they think of the wonders. And check the true sentences.

Step 4:Post-listening

1.Read the conversation and find out how do they express their opinion. And underline the sentences they find.

2.Work in pairs. Look at the information table of the four wonders and talk about which wonder of the world they would like to visit and give reasons.

A: Which wonder of the world would you like to visit?

B: I’d like to visit...

A: Can you introduce it?

B: Yes... And in my opinion, ......

A: I agree with you./ I am not sure... /In my opinion...


Required homework:

1.Read the conversation fluently.

2.Finish the exercise book.

Optional homework:

Tell your friends about the wonder you would like to visit.



第 周第 课时 上课时间 月 日(星期 )本学期累计教案 个


9A Module 1 Wonders of the world

Unit 1 It’s more that 2,000 years old


Listening and speaking

Teaching Aims and Demands:

1. Language Knowledge

Key vocabulary and phrases: ancient, club, composition, pupil, meeting, call, event

Key structure: Sentence structure

2, Listening skill: To understand the topic words and the conversation.

To know something about the pyramids and the Grand Canyon .

3.Speaking skill: Talk about starting a school magazine.

4. Attitudes: Develop the interest to the wonders of the world.



To know something about the wonders of the world

Task-based method,communicative approach

PPT Muli-media

Module 1 Wonders of the world

Unit 1 It’s more that 2,000 years old

教 学 过 程


备 注

Step 1 Warming-up

1. Show some pictures of the wonders of the world.

2. Enjoy and talk something about the pictures.

3. Show some pictures to introduce the new words.

4. Learn the new words.

5. Read the words after the teacher.

Step 2 Match the name.

Match the names of the wonders with the pictures.

1. Ask the students to look at the pictures.

2. Read through the names of the wonders.

a) The Terracotta Army b) The Three Gorges Dam

c) The Giant’s Causeway d) Victoria Falls

3. Match the names of the wonders with the pictures.

4. Ask the students to check their answer with a partner.

5. Call back the answers from the whole class and check the answers.

Step 3 Answer the questions.

Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Use the words in the box to help you.

1. Ask the students to look at the pictures in Activity1.

2. Ask the students to read through the words in the box.

ancient man-made modern natural wonder

3. Ask the students to read through the questions in Activity 2.

1) Which two are natural wonders?

2) Which two are man-made wonders?

3) Which is an ancient wonder?

4) Which is a modern wonder?

4. Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Use the words in the box to help you.

5. Ask the students to check their answer with a partner.

6. Call back the answers from the whole class and check the answers.

7. Now listen and check.

Step 4 Listen and read.

1. Ask the students to listen and read the conversation silently.

2. Check(√)the true sentences.

1) Tony thinks the Giant’s Causeway is the largest natural wonder.

2) Lingling thinks Victoria Falls is more fantastic than the Giant’s Causeway.

3) Betty and Daming are more interested in man-made wonders.

4) For Daming, the Three Gorges Dam is more fantastic than the Terracotta Army.

3. Ask the students to read the passage and finish Activity 4.

1) Where is the Giant’s Causeway?

2) How wide is Victoria Falls?

3) What wonders does Betty think are more exciting?

4) How old is the Terracotta Army?

4. After Reading: Complete the table.


The Giant’s Causeway

______ rocks, ____ sides, on the ______ coast of Northern Ireland

Victoria Falls

in ______, ______ metres wide, _____ metres high

The Terracotta Army

more than ______ years old

The Three Gorges Dam

______ metres long, _____ metres high, ____ metres wide, produce _________

Step 5 Pronunciation and speaking: Listen and mark the pauses.

1. Play the recording once without stopping.

2. Play the recording again and ask the whole class to repeat.

1) I’ve never seen it, so I’m not sure I agree with you.

2) That sounds great, though I think Victoria Falls in Africa is even more fantastic.

3) In my opinion, man-made wonders are more exciting than natural ones.

3. Ask the students to listen and mark the pauses.

4. Now listen again and repeat.


LevelA: make a dialogue about wonders.

LevelB: read the textbook



第 周第 课时 上课时间 月 日(星期 )本学期累计教案 个


Unit 2 The Grand Canyon was not just huge.



By the end of this class, students will be able to:

    understand the passage about the trip to the Grand Canyon.

    improve the reading skills like skimming for main idea, scanning for details and guessing the meaning of new words from the context.

    master some key words and useful expressions: below, shine, sign, silent, silver, sky, grey, go through, beside, reply, clear, fall away, stream etc.



Learning focus:

    understanding the passage about the trip to the Grand Canyon.

    Improving thinking qualities like critical thinking.

Learning difficulties:

    describe one of the wonders by giving facts and opinions

Task-based method,communicative approach

PPT Muli-media







A great wonder of the natural world

Before seeing

the Grand Canyon

While seeing

the Grand Canyon

Feeling after visiting

the Grand Canyon

early morning/ raining/went through/ nothing to see/appear/ no sign of

stop/ clear/ fall away/ look across/

1 mile deep/15 miles wide/200 mile long


Remained by/ certainly know

the greatest wonder of the natural

教 学 过 程


备 注

Step 1:Lead in

Watch a short video of The Grand Canyon and answer the following question:

Which wonder is it?

Step 2:Pre-reading

1.Students say what they think of the Grand Canyon from the video and the picture.

2.Show the title of the passage and let students guess the writer’s opinion on the Grand Canyon.

Step 3:While-reading

1.Skim the passage and answer the following questions:

① In which paragraph, did the writer see the Grand Canyon?

② What's the main idea of the passage?

A. The travel to the Grand Canyon.

B. The introduction of the Grand Canyon.

③ Where does the passage probably come from?

A. A magazine B. A grammar book

C. A dictionary D. A storybook

2.Read the passage and match the main ideas of the three parts.

Part 1 (Para.1&2) While seeing the Grand Canyon

Part 2 (Para.3&4) Before seeing the Grand Canyon

Part 3 (Para. 4) Feeling after visiting the Grand Canyon

3.Read Para.1&2 and fill the chart.


When did they get there?

How's the weather?

What did he see on the way?

How far is it from the gate to the Grand Canyon?

Read Para.3 and answer the following questions:

Read Para.3 and answer the following questions:

① Why could the writer see the Grand Canyon at last?

② Which direction was the writer facing while she/he was looking over the

Grand Canyon?

5.Read Para.4 and answer the following questions:

What did the writer think of the Grand Canyon?

Then fill the following chart.


The Grand Canyon

How deep is it?

How wide is it?

How long is it?

Read Para.4 and answer the following questions:

Read Para.4 and answer the following questions:

① How long did the writer stay there?

② What did the writer think of the Grand Canyon?

Step 4:Post-reading

3.Make a summary and answer the question:

What's the writer's purpose in writing this passage?


What do you think of the Grand Canyon after reading?

Which place do you think is the most attractive?

3.Work in pairs. Imagine you have just visited one of natural wonders. Talk about it with your partner, including the following information:

① What’s the name of it?

② Where is it?

③ What is it famous for?

④ When did you visit it?

⑤ What happened when you visit it?

⑥ How did you feel?


Required homework:

1. Read the passage as fluently as possible.

2. Finish the Exercise Book.

Optional homework:

Tell your friends about the Grand Canyon.



第 周第 课时 上课时间 月 日(星期 )本学期累计教案 个


Unit 2 The Grand Canyon was not just huge.



    write write about what you see and your feelings when travelling.

    practise the usage of the key words and expressions.



Learning focus:

    Learning the usages of words and expressions.

Learning difficulties:

    writing about what you see and your feelings when travelling.

Task-based method,communicative approach

PPT Muli-media

9A Module 1 Wonders of the world

Unit 2 The Grand Canyon was not just huge. Writing

教 学 过 程



Step 1:Review and lead in

Complete the following passage.

It was ________ ________ and it was ________. In the east, the sky was ________ ________, but there was _______ _______ ______ beside the path. After about a mile when I ________ ________ the path, the clouds _________ and the rain __________.

I saw that the ground ______ ______ and _____ ___a river. First, I ______ ______ to the Colorado River, it was about ______ ______below me. Then I _____ _____ to the other side of the Canyon, it was about _____ miles away. Finally, I _______ ____ my left and my right, it was over _______ miles _______. I think the Grand Canyon is the ______ wonder in the _______ world.

Step 2:Pre-writing

3.Show the writing task: Imagine you have just visited the Great Wall, and write about your experience.

4.Use the mind map to show the structure of a passage about a travel experience.



1)Stonehenge is an ancient circle ______________(在……的南部)England.

2)Giant’s Causeway runs for several hundred metres ________________(在

东海岸) Northern Ireland.

3)Near the Seine River _______(stand)the famous Eiffel Tower.

4)The Great Wall of China is one of the seven ancient wonders of the world,

which ________(beign) from Shanhaiguan Pass(山海关) on the east coast

and _______(end) at Jiayuguan Pass(嘉峪关) in the Gobi Desert(戈壁沙漠).


1)The main part of the wall is _________ (超过)2,150 miles long.

2)Three Gorges Dam is about 23,000 metres ______(长), 185 metres _____(高)

and 15 metres _____(宽) at the top.

3)The Taj Mahal covers an area of more than 174,000 (平方米).

4)The Giant’s Causeway is huge. There are about 40,000 rocks, most of them

six sides.


Interesting facts

1)The Jin Mao Tower is the third tallest building in China. It was _____ _(build)

in 1999, and it has a fantastic view of Pudong District and the centre of


2)N________ 5,000 years ago, English peoplle built the Stonehenge to bury dead people. ___________ (大量的,无数的) people worked very hard on the

Stonehenge. They built it without any machines and finally completed it in about 2566 BC.


Travel experience

1.When I arrived , it was early morning and it __________ (rain).

2.The sun was going down when I ________(arrive) at the ground floor of the Jin Mao Tower Building.

3.Finally, I came to some rocks and stopped. I looked over them, but it was _______(寂静的) and there was no _______(迹象) of it. If you _______(逗留)by the Grand Canyon as the sky gets brighter, you can see Colorado River below you.

4)Suddenly, the rain stopped and the clouds _______(开始消失). The sun rose behind me and _______(照耀) on the rocks. Far below me, the ground_______(突然向下倾斜) and down to a river.


1)I think ________(大自然的) wonders are more interesting than man-made ones. And I think the Giant’s Causeway is the most fantastic wonder.

2)In my o________, man-made wonders are more exciting than natural ones.

3)I was afraid of _______(go) to the top of tall buildings, so I was a little nervous when I walked into the lift.

4)The Great Wall is a world-famous __________(人造的) tourist attraction. It is the symbol of the wisdom of the ancient Chinese. So don’t miss the Great Wall.

5)If someone asks you whether the Great Pyramid is the greatest wonder of the natural world, it may be easy to ________(回答). So be sure to visit it.

Step 3:While-writing

Step 4:Post-writing

Possible version:

The Great Wall is one of the greatest man-made wonders of the world, I just visited it last month. It was built in the Qin Dynasty and it has a history of more than 2,000 years. It is in the north of China. The wall is over 6,000 kilometers long, 5-8meters wide and 8-10 meters high. It's famous for its length and old history, it is said that it's the only building on the earth we can see in space. It was full of visitors that day, so I could hardly move about to take photos. In my opinion, the Great Wall has become a symbol of the Chinese culture.


Required homework:

1. Read the passage as fluently as possible.

2. Finish the Exercise Book.

Optional homework:

Tell your friends about the Grand Canyon.



第 周第 课时 上课时间 月 日(星期 )本学期累计教案 个


Unit 2 The Grand Canyon was not just huge.



    master the usage of the key words and useful expressions in this module.

    know about the differences of the six tenses: the present simple, the past simple, the future simple, the present perfect, the present continuous and the past continuous.

    choose the correct tenses according to the certain context.

    love the nature and human civilization.



Learning focus:

    knowing about the differences of the six tenses: the present simple, the past simple, the future simple, the present perfect, the present continuous and the past

Learning difficulties:

    choosing the correct tenses according to the certain context.

Task-based method,communicative approach

PPT Muli-media

9A Module 1 Wonders of the world

Unit Language in use

教 学 过 程



Step 1:Lead in

Free talk: Which wonder would you like to visit?

Step 2:Presentation

1. Talk about the tense of these sentences with their partners.

2. Provide an explanation for the tense used in those sentences and shows the answers.

Step 3:Practice

1.Complete the passage with the correct form of words in brackets.

The sun was going down when we ________ (arrive) at the ground floor of the building. I ________ (be) afraid of going to the top of tall buildings, so I was a little nervous when I ________ (walk) into the lift. The lift ________ (climb) faster and faster until we ________ (reach) the 88th floor. It ________ (be) high up there, but I was not afraid when I stood at the top. The Jin Mao Tower in Shanghai, one of the tallest buildings in the world, ___ (be) 420.5 meters high. It was built in 1999, and it ____ (have) a fantastic view of Pudong district and the centre of Shanghai. I really like the tower and I am sure I ________ (visit) it again.

2.Complete the passage with the expressions in the box.

I’m really _____________ my visit to the Louvre Museum in Paris. It’s the most visited museum in the world — every year, ____________ people visit it. The Louvre is in an old building, but to get inside you must _____________ a giant glass pyramid that is __________ 20 metres tall. The entrance to the museum is _____________ the pyramid. Some people do not like the glass pyramid. They said it looks too new and does not suit the older building. I do not ___________ them. I think it looks great!

Step 4:Listening

5.Listen and number the pictures.

6.Listen again and complete the table.

Step 5: Reading

Read the passage about Stonehenge and fill the chart.




Building material

Interesting facts

Step 6: Reading

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. There is one extra word.

Step 7: Production

Work in groups of four. Make a report about a wonder of the world.

1.Decide on the wonder of the world for your report.

2.Give as much information as you can. Think about the following questions:

① Why should people visit the wonder?

② What will people see there?

③ How can people get there?

④ How much does it cost to visit the wonder?

⑤ When is the best time to visit the wonder?

3.Make a report.


Required homework:

1. Read the passage as fluently as possible.

2. Finish the Exercise Book.

Optional homework:

Tell your friends about the Grand Canyon.



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9A Module 2 Public Holidays Unit 1My family always go somewhere interesting as soon as the holiday begins.


Listening and speaking

1.Master the words and expressions related to holidays like found, flag, vacation, off, kid, band, have fun.

2.Know China’s National day and American Independence Day; the different dates about May Day among China, the UK and the US through listening.

3.Use adverbial clauses to introduce a Chinese festival.

4.Cultivate students’ critical thinking by thinking about the meaning of national days.



    Use adverbial clauses to introduce a Chinese festival

Task-based method,communicative approach

PPT Muli-media

Module 2 Public Holidays

Unit 1 My family always go somewhere interesting as soon as the holiday begins.

found vacation Before it comes, we ...

flag kid As soon as it comes, we...

band have fun While we are on holiday, we...

教 学 过 程



Step 1:Pre-listening

1.Ask students to do brainstorming

T: What public holidays do you know in China?

Step 2:While-listening

1.Show a picture of May Day and ask students.

T: What festival is it?

When is it?

2.Listening 1.

T: What should you listen to? (Date,

T: How can you take notes quickly? (Tip1. Take notes by writing down key words or first 2-3 letters.)

3. T talks about her holiday activities.

Listening 2

1.Listen and answer two questions.

T: Before we start to listen, read it by yourself first. This time, what you should listen to? (festivals)

2.Ask students to listen and choose about China’s National Day.

3.Ask students to listen and complete the table about Independence Day.

Step 3: post-Listening

1.Read and complete the table in A3.

2.What are the similarities and differences between China’s National Day and American Independence Day?

3.Ask students to discuss

T: Why do people celebrate the National Day in their countries?

1.Complete the blog

5.Do group work and make a report

T: Choose one traditional Chinese festival and introduce it to a foreign student.


Must do:

1.Work book Module2 Unit1.

2.Read Activity3 on Page 10 three times.

Choose to do:

Search more information about a Western festival and make a report about it.



第 周第 课时 上课时间 月 日(星期 )本学期累计教案 个


9A Module 2 Public Holidays Unit 1My family always go somewhere interesting as soon as the holiday begins.


Listening and speaking

1.Master the words and expressions related to holidays like found, flag, vacation, off, kid, band, have fun.

2.Know China’s National day and American Independence Day; the different dates about May Day among China, the UK and the US through listening.

3.Use adverbial clauses to introduce a Chinese festival.

4.Cultivate students’ critical thinking by thinking about the meaning of national days.



    Use adverbial clauses to introduce a Chinese festival

Task-based method,communicative approach

PPT Muli-media

Module 2 Public Holidays

Unit 1 My family always go somewhere interesting as soon as the holiday begins.

found vacation Before it comes, we ...

flag kid As soon as it comes, we...

band have fun While we are on holiday, we...

教 学 过 程



Step 1:Pre-listening

1.Ask students to do brainstorming

T: What public holidays do you know in China?

Step 2:While-listening

1.Show a picture of May Day and ask students.

T: What festival is it?

When is it?

2.Listening 1.

T: What should you listen to? (Date,

T: How can you take notes quickly? (Tip1. Take notes by writing down key words or first 2-3 letters.)

3. T talks about her holiday activities.

Listening 2

1.Listen and answer two questions.

T: Before we start to listen, read it by yourself first. This time, what you should listen to? (festivals)

2.Ask students to listen and choose about China’s National Day.

3.Ask students to listen and complete the table about Independence Day.

Step 3: post-Listening

1.Read and complete the table in A3.

2.What are the similarities and differences between China’s National Day and American Independence Day?

3.Ask students to discuss

T: Why do people celebrate the National Day in their countries?

2.Complete the blog

5.Do group work and make a report

T: Choose one traditional Chinese festival and introduce it to a foreign student.


Must do:

1.Work book Module2 Unit1.

2.Read Activity3 on Page 10 three times.

Choose to do:

Search more information about a Western festival and make a report about it.



第 周第 课时 上课时间 月 日(星期 )本学期累计教案 个


9A Module 2 Public Holidays

Unit 2 We have celebrated the festival since the first pioneers arrived in America.



1.Master the words and expressions related to holidays like found, flag, vacation, off, kid, band, have fun.

2.Know China’s National day and American Independence Day; the different dates about May Day among China, the UK and the US through listening.

3.Use adverbial clauses to introduce a Chinese festival.

4.Cultivate students’ critical thinking by thinking about the meaning of national days.



    Use adverbial clauses to introduce a Chinese festival

Task-based method,communicative approach

PPT Muli-media

Module 2 Public Holidays Unit 1 My family always go somewhere interesting as soon as the holiday begins.

since then 是现在完成时的标志。


have one day off

all kinds off

As soon as

have +时间+ off 放……(多长时间的)假


教 学 过 程



Step1 Warming up and lead-in

1 Talk about some public holidays you know:China’s National Day,Labour Day,New Year...

2 Do you know how people celebrate them?

Step2 Ask and answer

1 Show some pictures of public holidays to the students.

2 T: Which public holiday are people celebrating?

Step3 Listening

1 Let students look through the sentences in Activity 2carefully.

2 Play the tape and check the answers.

(1) When was the People’s Republic of China founded?

(2) Does Lingling has any plans for the holiday this year?

(3 )Is there a natinal day in the UK?

Step4:Read and answer






Ways of celebrate

Year the celebration started

1 Let the students read quickly and answer the questions

Now complete the table.

2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.

activity flag found vacation

(1). The Americans celebrate Independence Day on 4th July. It is the start of the ________ season.

(2). On 1st October, you can see the national ______

everywhere in China.

(3). The US was _________ in 1776.

(4). What kinds of __________ are there on 1st January?

Keys: vacation flags founded activities

2 Let the students read again and underline all the points which are important with their partner.

3 Show the points to the class,and the teacher explains some difficulties to them.

(1). The People’s Republic of China was founded on 1st October 1949.



e.g. Her family founded the college in 1895.


(2). People have celebrated the National Day since then.

since then表示“从那以后”。是现在完成时的标志。

e.g. He has lived in Beijing since then.


(3).. … but we only have one day off.

have +时间+ off 放……(多长时间的)假


e.g. I’m going to have some time off.


They will __________________ next month.


(4). On that day, there are all kinds of holiday activities.

all kinds of 表示“各种各样的” 后常跟名词

(5)… and most people take a vacation sometime in July or August.

take a vacation 表示“去度假”

(6)And my family always go somewhere interesting as soon as the holiday begins.

as soon as表示“一……就……”。用来引导时间状语从句。强调主句和从句动作的同时性。

4 Work in pairs to act out the conversation.


LevelA: Review the main points of this unit

LevelB: Read the dialogue fluently.



第 周第 课时 上课时间 月 日(星期 )本学期累计教案 个


Module 2 Public Holidays

Unit 2 We have celebrated the festival since the first pioneers arrived in America.



    Master the words and expressions such as pioneer, corn, speech, parade, lay the table.

    Know the main idea of each paragraph and get the facts about Thanksgiving through reading.

    Have a further understanding of the history of Thanksgiving Day by inferring.



    Know the main idea of each paragraph and get the facts about Thanksgiving through reading.

    Have a further understanding of the history of Thanksgiving Day by inferring.

Task-based method,communicative approach

PPT Muli-media

Module 2 Public Holidays

Unit 2 We have celebrated the festival since the first pioneers arrived in America.

pioneer Para.1 Date, meaning, people

corn Para.2 History

speech Para.3 Food (a special dinner)

... Para.4 Activities

教 学 过 程



Step 1:Pre-reading

1.Show the title and lead to the topic

2.Show the picture and ask ss to predict.

T: What festival will the passage talk about ?

What will the passage talk about ?

Step 2:While-reading

1.Show the headings and ask ss how to match the main idea with each paragraph quickly.

2.Ask ss to draw the structure (结构) of the passage

3.Careful reading

Ask ss to complete the table in A3.

4.Ask ss to read paragragh one and choose

5.Ask ss to read paragraph two and discuss

1)T:While the first pioneers were crossing the Atlantic, what difficulties might they meet?

2)T:After they landed, what kind of life did they live?

3)T:Why did the pioneers invite the Native Americans to dinner?

6.Ask students to read paragraph 3 and put the events in right order

Ask ss to read paragraph 4 and list the activities on Thanksgiving Day.

Step 3: post-reading

1.Ask ss to discuss in groups of 4.

1)T:What might Americans feel about Thanksgiving? Why? (at least 40 words)

2)T:What is the true meaning of Thanksgiving?

2.Ask ss to complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box. (A 4)


Must do:

1.Work book Module2 Unit2.

2.Read the passage three times.

3.Retell the passage according to the table.

Choose to do:

Search for more information about the Dragon Boat Festival.



第 周第 课时 上课时间 月 日(星期 )本学期累计教案 个


Module 2 Public Holidays

Unit 2 We have celebrated the festival since the first pioneers arrived in America.



    Use the adverbial clauses to write a passage about the Dragon Boat Festival

    Cultivate ss’ sense of loving traditional Chinese culture



     Write the Dragon Boat Festival from date, meaning, people, history, food, feeling and activities.

1)Use the adverbial clauses to introduce the Dragon Boat Festival correctly

2) Introduce the history of a Chinese festival

Task-based method,communicative approach

PPT Muli-media

Module 2 Public Holidays

Unit 2 We have celebrated the festival since the first pioneers arrived in America.

when Para.1 date, duration, people

while Para.2 history, food and activities

As soon as Para.3 meaning

教 学 过 程



Step 1:Pre-writing

1.Show the title and lead to the writing task

T: Yesterday what festival did we talk about?

T: China is becoming stronger and stronger, so more and more foreigners want to know more about China. Betty is one of them. Here an email from her.

T: What does Betty want to know?

2.Ask ss to do brainstorming.

T: What else can we introduce?

3.Ask ss to look at the pictures and talk about the introduction part.

4.Ask ss to enjoy a video about why we celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival and talk about the history.

5.Ask ss to discuss in groups and talk about the activities during the Dragon Boat Festival.

6.Ask ss to look at the pictures and talk about the food its meaning.

7.Ask ss to look at pictures and complete the sentence.

Step 2:While-writing

7.Show the writing task again to students.

8.Show the peer checklist to students.

9.Ask students to write the passage.

Step 3: post-writing

1.Make comments on 2 students writing according to the checklist.

2.Ask ss to mark their desk mates’ writing according to the checklist.

3.Ask students to improve their writing according to the checklist.


Must do:

Make your writing better according to the checklist.

Choose to do:

Write another Chinese traditional festival to Betty.



第 周第 课时 上课时间 月 日(星期 )本学期累计教案 个


9A Module 2 Public Holidays

Unit 3 Language in Use



    Review the key words and phrases in this module

    Understand the definition and master the temporal conjunctions, the structures and the tenses of adverbial clauses

    Improve students’ listening skill of catching key words and give comments about holiday plans

    Cultivate ss’ sense of loving traditional Chinese culture



Understand the definition and master the temporal conjunctions, the structures and the tenses of adverbial clauses

Use the adverbial clauses with since, before, after,when, while, until and as soon as correctly.

Task-based method,communicative approach

PPT Muli-media

Module 2 Public Holidays

Unit 2 We have celebrated the festival since the first pioneers arrived in America.

when Para.1 date, duration, people

while Para.2 history, food and activities

As soon as Para.3 meaning

教 学 过 程



Step 1:lead in

1.Ask questions and lead to the topic

T: In this module, what festivals did we learn?

2.Ask ss to read around the world and answer questions.

1)T: Which festivals are mentioned?

T: Why do people celebrate these festivals?

Step 2:Presentation

10.Show the passage and Martin Luther King Day and ask ss to complete it.

11.Ask ss to find out the adverbial clauses in this passage

12.Ask students to observe and summarize the definition, the temporal conjunctions, the structures of adverbial clauses.

13.Ask students to read P128 and fill in the blanks.

Step 3: Consolidation

1.Ask ss to complete the sentences with the correct form of the words or expression in the box. There may be more than one answer.(A1)

2.Ask ss to complete the conversation with the clauses in the box. (A2)

3.Ask students to complete the passage with the words in the box.(A4)

4.Ask students to complete the passage with the sentences in the box.(A9)

5.Ask students to complete the expressions in the box.(A5)

6.Ask students to listen and check(√) the speakers’ holiday plans.(A7)

7.Ask students to work in groups and talk about the speakers’ holiday plans. T: Whose plan do you think is the most interesting?(A8)

8.Ask students to complete the conversations with the sentences in the box. (A6)

9.Ask students do group work and make a poster about a Chinese festival. (A10,11,12)


Must do:

Make your writing better according to the checklist.

Choose to do:

Write another Chinese traditional festival to Betty.


标签: 教案模板