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分类:心得体会发表于 2023-04-16 13:52阅读数:0



This term, we began to learn accounting English。

会计英语和日常英语有很大的区别,它更倾向于专业知识的教育。 Accounting English has the very big difference with daily English, it is more inclined to professional knowledge education.通过这段时间的学习,我不仅学会了很多专业名词与专业用语的表达方法,而且更加深刻的了解到开口说英语的重要性。 Through this period of study, I not only learned a lot of specialized terms and professional language expression method, and more profound understanding to say the importance of English.老师让我们准备英语短剧进行表演,这样的学习,既能锻炼我们的表演能力,又能充分提高我们的口语能力…… The teacher asked us to prepare English perform skits, such study, can exercise our performance ability, and can fully improve our spoken English ability......大家都团结在一起,认认真真的`讨论着剧情,修改这剧本,并且努力校正发音,仿佛自己真的像一个演员,在思索着,探讨着,努力着......Everybody together, serious discussion plots, and modify the script, and try to correct

pronunciation, as if they really as an actor, in thinking, and explored the, trying...会计英语在生活中也是非常重要的。

Accounting English in life is also very important.Along with our country economy continual development, increasing the level of people's life, economic globalization more and more remarkable, to the accounting personnel, it can work in skilled use English has become more and more important.因此,我们应该不断的学习,不断的充实自己、提高自己,从而在今后的工作实践中发挥自己的才能,实现自己的价值。

Therefore, we should constantly learning, constantly enrich himself, improve ourselves, so that in the future work practice use of their talents and realize their value.虽然这个学期很短暂,但是我却受益匪浅。 Although the term is short, but but I benefited a lot.不仅学习到了专业英语的相关知识,还学习到了如何合作,如何大胆的展示自己、表达自己。 Learn not only to professional English knowledge, but also learn how to cooperate, how to boldly exhibit, expressing yourself.这种教学方法通过学生自己的反思和练习强化他们所学的语法知识,使他们真正能够学以致用。

This teaching method give students a few minutes to review the grammer we have learned and let us do some exercises


And I also hope this teaching method can continue, then let more students benefit.